
The 10 Most Scariest Things About Best Media Wall Fires

작성일 24-11-27 03:07

페이지 정보

작성자Veta Vaughan 조회 4회 댓글 0건


The Best Media Wall Fires

endeavour-fires-60-1530mm-rosedale-3d-media-wall-inset-electric-fireplace-with-multi-flame-colours-log-crystal-set-7day-programmable-remote-control-1-2kw-699.jpgMedia wall electric fireplaces are a great method of adding a fashionable focal to your home, without sacrificing floor space. They're also a great method to provide warmth.

Some electric fires come with smart control, letting you alter the settings for heat and flame effects from your couch.

1. Ezee Glow Celestial

The Celestial 36" Built-In Electric fire in media wall is the smallest model of the Ezee Glow Celestial line. It will make a stunning feature in your home, whether you integrate it into a media wall or simply stand it on its own. This sleek, built in media wall fire in model is loaded with features, including a wide range of flame options as well as stunning feature fuel beds, and realistic flame effects. With a maximum heat output of 1.6kW the energy efficient electric fire can be switched on and off independently from the flame effect, so you can enjoy the warmth of flames without the heating element.

A lot of people opt for 3-sided electric fireplaces when they build their media walls. They create a stunning warm and welcoming centerpiece that draws everyone's attention. They're also a great option for those who want the look and feel of a real fireplace but don't want to do any complex construction work.

There are a variety of ways that 3-sided electric fires can be installed but the most popular is to place them slightly into the wall. This creates the impression of a larger space and makes it stand out. Others, however, opt to place their fires on three sides as part of a pre-made set. This method can save both time and money, and allow you to easily customize your suite to meet your particular requirements.

The Ezee Glow Reflect Suite is an excellent example of this. The 50" Celestial fire is built into a contemporary white MDF plinth so you do not have to perform any installation work. The set also comes with an storage unit at the base which can be used to store decorative logs or even your TV box or games console.

2. Ezee Glow Zana

The Ezee Glow Zara will give you warmth and style in your home, without the hassle and expense of building or removing a chimney breast. The package includes a stylish white MDF surround and 42" Zara electric fire all in one unit.

This is the Grand Zara version of the original Ezee Glow Zara fire and takes everything that was great about it and makes it bigger and better. It is modern and unique. It includes a heater that is placed on the front of the unit. This allows you to efficiently heat your home, but also allow you to place your TV above or below.

3. Onyx Fusion 150RW

Amazing Visuals

The Onyx Fusion is a 150RW electric fire place for media wall that transforms living spaces using modern technology and sophisticated features. It's the ideal centerpiece for media walls. This beautiful electric fireplace can be inserted in the wall to create a sleek single-sided display. It can also be removed from the side to create a dual-sided corner fireplace with different views of the flame. Its innovative controls also offer different options, including the possibility to experience stunning effects independently of the heat source for use all year round.

living-room-with-fireplace-2023-11-27-05-06-00-utc-min-jpg.jpgIts breathtaking Authentic Flare Technology displays crystal clear images of realistic flame imagery. Pick from a variety of customizable visuals ranging from a traditional flickering flame with smoke and sparks above, to an elegant moving or more modern flame effects. An array of ember bed up-lighting, down-lighting and log lighting completes the look, while synchronising all effects with the flame you choose allows you to create the perfect ambience.

Easily control this stunning electric fireplace using the Mus Flame app that is compatible with iOS and Android devices. With a variety of visual options and the ability to create and save three personalisation presets, it is easy to customise your fireplace experience. Intuitive heating management means you can'set and forget' the heating and Ecodesign energy-saving features such as Open Window Detection and Adaptive Start Control help to reduce energy consumption.

The stunning Onyx Fusion also comes with the exclusive Milazzo suite, which comes with an adjustable flat-wall fixing system to enable seamless installation into a contemporary media wall. The suite includes the base, floating shelf, and top module. You can pick between white or grey to match your style.

4. Ezee Glow Zara mini

New to the Ezee Glow Zara collection, the Mini Zara wall hung electric fire incorporates everything that makes the standard Zara great and brings it into a smaller size. Unique and modern It's the ideal way to add heat and style to a room without taking up much-desired floor space. The Mini Zara heater can be installed behind a television to create a dimplex media wall fire wall. The Mini Zara can be easily placed on the wall or in the recess. It has a black inset media wall electric fireplace or white surround which allows you to choose the one that best suits your space.

Like the Celestial Mini Zara, the Mini Zara is incredibly easy to set up and is the ideal option for those who would like a stunning media wall but doesn't have a lot of space to work with. The Grand Zara is a better option for larger walls or for those who prefer an even more stunning flame viewing area. It's 1524mm wide, which is a lot larger than the Mini's 1270mm.

5. Ezee Glow Zara Grand

The Ezee Glow Zara Grand is the latest addition to the wall-mounted media electric fire family. The Grand Zara takes the Zara principle and makes it a larger version. This lets you heat your home without losing the floor space. It can efficiently heat your room by using a 1.6kW heater that is placed in front of the room, while leaving room for your TV to be placed above or below. This elegant model offers the option of either a wall-mounted or recess-mounted installation which gives you total flexibility. It's also inexpensive to run because of the LED flame effect as well as flame-only settings.


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